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DB Series Standard

Safe and economic banding


Banding machines from the DB-seres are an important part of the modern printing industry. Products like brochures, letters, envelopes or writing tools can be banded with a maximum of 35 cycles per minute without risk. There are tape widths with 28, 48, 77 and 100 mm possible.

Printed or unprinted material is exactly positioned. Beside the graphical industry, it is also used in other branches like the food industry or pharma industry. Banding machines are first choice in case of carton - seeling or Prepackage.

The banding system is the economic alternative to seeling because it uses less packing material.

Features Standard:
Table for big rolls
Automatic Photo lense
Variable tension
Material - Option can be varied via programme
Automatic band injet
Film strenght from 50 µm
New vakuum band transport
Operation manually via hand or food-switch

Features on request:
PE usable
Zero voltage
Side roll dispenser
Transit Model
Product pressure
Printing mark control 

materialcolouritem number
banding paperbrownPB 7028800A
banding paperwhitePW 8028800A
banding filmtransparentFTB 50281500
banding filmtransparentFTB 80281000
banding filmwhiteFTB 50281500W

All qualities also in 48/75/100 mm available

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Mobirise Themes basieren auf Bootstrap 3 und Bootstap 4 - den leistungsfähigsten Frameworks. Selbst wenn Sie nicht coden können, können Sie dann zur Bootstrap Familie gehören.

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Gewerbepark Mitterfeld 1
2523 Tattendorf, Austria

Opening hours:
Mo. - Th. : 07:30 - 17:00 Uhr
Fr. :             07:30 - 12:00 Uhr

Tel:     +43 / 2253 / 81045
Fax:    +43 / 2253 / 81046