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DB-Series TR Linear

The fully automatic DB-Series TR-Linear


Banding of unevenly incoming products. Products are banded in the same direction as they are fed in.

The TR-Linear offers high capacities
Suitable for paper and PP-Banding material
Low maintaince
Single or multible banding possible
Safety shield

The product is isolated on a product stop. A pneumatic device pushes the product to the side. As a result, any significant shifts in the stack are aligned. Thereafter, the product is pushed into the banding machine. At the same time already banded product is pushed out.
Alternatively, the product can be pushed out of the banding machine, after the product is banded. Another point is the exact positioning of the band. This is precisely adjusted by the linear drive. Also, the mounting of a plurality of bands is possible. The banded products are then transported to a non-driven roller conveyor. On request it can be supplied as a driven roller conveyor.


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In this machine we show the use of printed banding material. The products (eg food masses) are taken over by the production machine directly to our conveyor technology, aligned and conveyed by the banding machine and banded in the center of the plant shown.

Gewerbepark Mitterfeld 1
2523 Tattendorf, Austria

Opening hours:
Mo. - Th. : 07:30 - 17:00 Uhr
Fr. :             07:30 - 12:00 Uhr

Tel:     +43 / 2253 / 81045
Fax:    +43 / 2253 / 81046