The DB series with 2 heads is designed for automatic banding within a conveyor line with a high throughput volume of up to 50 units per minute. If the requirements are higher, the machine can also be expanded to 3 or 4 heads.
After being fed in, the products are separated by a separator and placed on two feed conveyors, each of which leads to one of the two banding units. The products are then individually banded.
The products are separated according to the banding units used. If one of the banding units is not used, the placement of the products will be adjusted accordingly.
This installation is supplied with a PLC control and can be integrated into existing conveyor systems. The display and control buttons are in a separate unit and are positioned so that they are easily accessible by the operator.
header | header | header |
header | header | header |
header | header | header |
Materialart | Farbe | Artikelnummer |
Banderolierpapier | braun | --- |
Banderolierpapier | weiß | --- |
Banderolierfolie | transparent | --- |
Compaktfolie | weiß | --- |
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